Member insurance
All members of IF Metall have good insurance coverage. Members under the age of 65 are covered by a full Member Accident (Leisure Time) policy, a supplementary occupational group life insurance policy, a children’s group life insurance policy, and income insurance. You may also be covered by other insurances through your club or branch. In addition, you have the opportunity to take out more insurance for yourself and your family at a favourable price. IF Metall cooperates with the insurance company Folksam.

- Income insurance
As a member of IF Metall, you are covered by our income insurance, which supplements your compensation from the unemployment insurance fund (A-kassan). This means that if you become unemployed, you can receive up to 80 per cent of your qualifying income for up to 100 days. In order for you to be entitled to compensation, you must have been a member of IF Metall and the unemployment insurance fund for 12 months.
Income insurance provides you with coverage for 100 days of compensation for income up to SEK 50,000 per month. It is also possible to take out supplementary insurance if you want to extend the period or insure a higher income.
For more information about the insurance and how to take out supplementary policies, go to
- Supplementary life insurance
This insurance gives your loved ones security if the worst possible thing happens – and you die while still of working age. It covers all members who do not have protection through the contractual insurance, TGL.
If you have participated in labour market measures, the National Government Employee Pensions Board (SPV) can pay compensation to your survivors.
Insurance benefits that can be paid in the event of death:
- basic amount, maximum 6 and minimum 1 price base amounts
- child amount, maximum 2 and minimum 1 price base amounts
- funeral assistance, 0.5 price base amounts.
Amount insured
If the member has reached the age of 55 but is not yet 65 years of age and leaves behind children under 17 years of age at the time of the member’s death, the basic amount of 6 price base amounts is paid. If the deceased’s only next of kin is a child entitled to inheritance who is over 21 years of age, half the amount is paid.
The amount insured is reduced from the age of 55 by 0.5 price base amounts per year, so that the amount insured at 65 years of age is 1 price base amount.Child amount
When the member has children under the age of 21 at the time of the member’s death, a supplement is paid for each child under 21 years of age, with the following number of price base amounts:
- under 17 years of age: 2 price base amounts
- 17 or 18 years of age: 1.5 price base amounts
- 19 or 20 years of age: 1 price base amount.
Funeral assistance
The funeral assistance totals 0.5 price base amounts and is paid to the deceased’s estate.
- Member Accident (Leisure Time)
As a member of our union, you are insured in your leisure time. This insurance consists of the following:
- Accident compensation
- Emergency compensation
- Hospitalisation
- Rehabilitation costs
- Dental injury costs (does not apply to chewing and bite
trauma)- Bodily injury compensation
- Certain other costs resulting from the accident
- Crisis insurance
- SEK 1,000,000 in medical disability insurance
As a new member, you have SEK 1,000,000 in medical disability insurance, free of charge for the first three months. You can also co-insure your
spouse/cohabitant/registered partner. - Children’s group life insurance
The insurance is included in the membership and is valid from Week 23 of pregnancy and up to and including the entire calendar year the child turns 18.
If the child dies during the insurance period, SEK 35,000 in funeral assistance will be paid. In the case of multiple births in which more than two children die within four weeks of birth, a maximum of SEK 50,000 is paid out from the insurance.
The children must be permanent residents of a Nordic country.

Download the brochure "Insured through IF Metall"
This brochure provides detailed information about the insurance benefits associated with your IF Metall membership and collective agreement. Insurance is an essential part of ensuring security in both your work and personal life. Here, you can explore the various options, including collective agreement insurance, membership insurance, and additional supplementary coverage for you and your family at competitive rates.
Insured through IF Metall.pdf (3,7 MB)