Collective agreement insurance
Anyone who works in a workplace with collective agreements is covered by collective agreement insurance. They provide you with financial support if, for example, you become ill or injure yourself at work. Thanks to the collective agreement, money is also set aside for your pension, in the form of a contractual pension. Contractual pension is also paid out in the event of illness and parental leave. This applies from the month you reach the age of 22.

- Collective Group Health Insurance – AGS
If you work at a workplace with a collective agreement and are on sick leave for more than 14 days, you can apply for compensation from Collective Group Health Insurance (Avtalsgruppsjukförsäkring, commonly abbreviated to “AGS”).
You can file the report directly on or using a form available from your trade union and your employer. With AGS, the total compensation is approximately 90 per cent of your salary.
If you become ill, it is best to contact your trade union, because you may be covered by more insurance policies.
If you are covered by AGS and receive sickness compensation, you will get monthly AGS compensation until you recover, or until you reach the age of 66.
To receive compensation from AGS, you must have been employed for at least 90 days. Employment by another employer is also included, as long as you were covered by a collective agreement.
- Work Injury Insurance – TFA
If you work at a workplace with a collective agreement, you are covered by Work Injury Insurance (Trygghetsförsäkring, commonly abbreviated to “TFA”) in the event of an occupational injury. It applies if you have an accident or develop an occupational illness. Always report all occupational injuries, even if they can be resolved with plasters or a brief sick leave. Each report increases the opportunities to set stricter work environment requirements and demand higher compensation. If you have body aches or other problems and suspect they are due to your job, you should contact your insurance information officer, your safety representative, or your branch.
- Severance Allowance – AGB
If you work at a workplace with a collective agreement, you are covered by Severance Allowance (Försäkring om avgångsbidrag, commonly abbreviated to “AGB”). AGB is aimed at employees who lose their jobs due to a lack of work. The lack of work can be organisational or due to illness. You must be at least 40 years old at the end of your employment. In addition, you must have been employed for at least 50 months during a five-year period at one or more companies with a collective agreement in order for the compensation to be paid.
- SAF-LO Contractual Pension
If you work at a workplace with a collective agreement, your employer pays premiums to your contractual pension. The premium payment is 4.5 per cent on income up to 7.5 income base amounts and 30 per cent on any income above that level.
You can decide for yourself whether the premiums should be invested in traditional insurance or unit-linked insurance. For younger people, unit-linked insurance can yield higher returns, as the money is invested in the long term. If you do not specify your preference, your premiums will automatically be placed in a traditional pension insurance policy with AMF Pension
Premium exemption insurance covers premiums towards your contractual pension for the period during which you receive AGS compensation in the event of illness and TFA compensation in the event of an occupational injury, as well as during parental leave.
Contractual pension and premium exemption insurance are paid in from the month you reach the age of 22.
- Parental Benefit Supplement Insurance – FPT
If you work at a workplace with a collective agreement, you are covered by this insurance. Employment for at least 12 months (24 months) entitles the holder to 10 per cent of the parental benefit subsidy (up to 10 price base amounts and 90 per cent for additional salary components) for a period of 60 days (180 days). The benefit supplement is paid during a continuous parental leave for a maximum of 18 months after the birth or adoption of a child.
- Group Life Insurance – TGL
If you work at a workplace with a collective agreement,
Occupational Group Life Insurance (Tjänstegrupplivförsäkring, commonly abbreviated to TGL) applies. It provides financial compensation to your loved ones if you die while you are still of working age.For employment of at least 16 hours a week, the insurance applies in full. For employment of 8–15 hours per week, half the amount is paid. For employment of less than eight hours per week, TGL does not apply. Payment of the basic amount requires that the deceased party leaves behind a spouse, registered partner, cohabitant, or child(ren). Children under the age of 21 receive a child allowance.
Compensation for funeral assistance is paid to deceased’s estate.
You can have several insurance policies that provide compensation in the event of death. Compensation can be paid from all these policies, independently of each other.

Download the brochure "Insured through IF Metall"
This brochure provides detailed information about the insurance benefits associated with your IF Metall membership and collective agreement. Insurance is an essential part of ensuring security in both your work and personal life. Here, you can explore the various options, including collective agreement insurance, membership insurance, and additional supplementary coverage for you and your family at competitive rates.
Insured through IF Metall.pdf (3,7 MB)